Monday, April 09, 2012

Possibility judulnya ;p

I look at you....

You look at me...
I look away, so you can't see...

I'm dreamin of you, And you don't even know, you don't even know....

That I'm fallin madly in love...

With you, with you...

And I wish that you were going crazy for me too...

You show some signs, but I'm not sure...

It's a secret love, and you are the cure....

I just need to know,

What you think about me, about me....

Don't you think that maybe you and me,

Could be a possibility...

I just wish that baby you could see,
 you could see...

That you and me  could be a possibility
You and me, we could be, only if you'd see.....

Kurang lebih jam 12 Waktu Ind bag. tengah, dan mata masih betul-betul ON...
Nyanyi-nyanyi sendiri , berharap jangan sampe ada yang tiba-tiba backing suara saya dari balik pintu sana :p

Cuz I'm Fallin madly in luv with u, with u ....

Thanx to Tiffany Alvord for diz beautiful song ...
Now, it's time to sleep :)

Postingan Selasa Awal Hari
Berharap Bisa Membuka Mata 5 Jam ke depan... Aamiin ^^


  1. ehhmmm...*tersedak...

    bangun2..sholat subuhh...

  2. so sweet,tapi kayanya seruan " Think Like A Man "

    1. think like a man? Jennifer Hudson?
      *untung ada gugel :p

  3. yaha ,
    dalem juga kalo ngebayanginnya ..
    kisah sebuah cinta yang terpendam dan hilang ..
    nyesek mamen :D

    1. yoyoi , bang ... namanya terpendam , kalo ga muncul ya ilang :p

      udah cantik gtu, kok cwonya g mau ya, bego apa rabun tu cwo' :p
